Crystal Reports - Drill down web reports in a new window

Drill down reports is a common reporting requirement. If its a web based reporting application usually the drill down reports are preferred to be shown in a new browser window, leaving the main report open. If we use Crystal reports version which comes with Visual Studio 2005, making it to show the drill down reports in a new browser window, involves this trick. In the report designer, we can format any field to make it as a hyperlink(right click the field from the designer -> in the format editior, choose the Hyperlinks tab). In the website address section, you can edit the URL to specify the Hyperlink Text. In that you can specify the URL of the web page you would like to open which will have drill down .rpt file). You can pass the parameters dynamically too. Something like this:-

"javascript:window.showModalDialog('default2.aspx?param1=" + ToText({Table1.field1}) + "&param2=" + ToText({Table2.field2})+ "')"


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