Why TechGiggles?

Having spent about nine years in a "few" IT and ITeS companies, I have played a number of technical roles in my career. Most of them involve finding technical solutions to the problems encountered during product/project development. As in most of these environments, invariably, we will have delivery timelines and milestones. Cracking these problems quickly becomes a necessary skill for any programmer. Some of these problems require acquaintance with the rare features/abilities of development tools, components, programming language or technical platform. On many occasions, these problems put our googling skills to test. Though these are some difficult phases in the day to day life of a programmer, finding a solution for these problems gives a lasting satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment which leads to an end of the day amusement(giggle). Though I have been around for a short while, I am still a novice blogger. I will try my best to record such problems and the solutions I found through this blog.


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